2021 is a five year in numerology, five is about FREEDOM and the courage to create the life of freedom you desire.
This is a transformative five-week program starting on 10 May 2021 with Taryn Sydow.
Discover how to BE FREE by integrating the five principles of freedom into your body, heart, mind and spirit.
The 5 principles of freedom are:
- Fantasy –
The world is full of possibility and magic. anything is possible if you allow yourself to dream and fantasise. We encourage you to connect your mind, body, heart and spirit towards the fantasies of your soul. What do you most desire?
- Foundation –
Small actions make a huge impact. Whatever you desire for the future, you need to get clear about what are the small steps you can take no to create a solid foundation. Whatever you invest time in creating will create you.
- Flow –
Flow does not mean everything is as you want or expect it to be. Flow is a state of non-resistance. It is a willingness to work with the current moment as it is and not wish it to be different in any way. You can still have goals and dreams, just flow with the process of it manifesting in its own magical way.
- Focus –
Focus has two key components. Clarity and boundaries. This is not about being selfish and uncaring towards others but rather clear about what your want and dedicating time and energy towards creating that. It is about taking responsibility for your time and how you use it.
- Fierceness –
To be open-hearted and centred in your choices and decisions is the light of a brave warrior soul. It is about the freedom to live your life unapologetically, showing off the genius that is you! This is about claiming your life as yours to live, with purpose, passion and drive.
You can find out more about these principles in this video from the Create your Personal Freedom Blueprint program run at the beginning of 2021.
Each week includes a 2-hour interactive webinar (Monday nights from 7-9 pm SAST or the recording if you cannot join live), a meditation for the week and practical exercises to experience freedom daily.
The webinars will also include some one-on-one readings for those joining live.
All webinars will be hosted on ZOOM on the following dates:
- Webinar 1 – Fantasy -10 May 2021 – 7-9 pm SAST
- Webinar 2 – Foundation -17 May 2021 – 7-9 pm SAST
- Webinar 3 – Flow -24 May 2021 – 7-9 pm SAST
- Webinar 4 – Focus -31 May 2021 – 7-9 pm SAST
- Webinar 5 – Fierceness -7 June 2021 – 7-9 pm SAST
The cost for the full program is R 1 250.
The first 10 people to book and pay will receive a 20% discount.